Lately I've been focusing on my alchemical research, which might gain me a few more coins. It seems I'm always in need of money now, particularly since my rod of Akea broke into splinters during a recent ethereal invasion. Fortunately, other exiles love to throw paint, or even smear paint all over themselves. And at the auction house, it seems to sell moderately well. Some colors more than others, for sure. My colleague Mary Jane has been encouraging people to "Keep Largo Purple", which made me smile since I know Largo hates paints messing up his fur. In fact, I imagine he'd probably shave himself if the added color was permanent. Fortunately, it's just a fun thing, and it's fairly easy to get it washed out quickly. Eventually, I'll learn more useful things in alchemy. I hear there are potions to assist with breathing water, which is amazing! And it's even possible to learn potions for enchancing energy and curing lyfelidaeism. Surely those would bring a pretty penny!
Perhaps I'll ask one of my colleagues at the mystic academy.
Eil'daen Kitaan
Winter 84, year 566 of the Lok'Groton Isles.
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